A LITTLE-KNOWN hack when packing for your holidays has been revealed - and it means you may never have to pay for extra baggage again. The 10-£10 travel rule helps you to decide what's necessary to bring on your holiday and what's not. When travelling it is feels right to stuff your suitcase "just in case", but regret often creeps in when you reach your destination.

Heavy luggage may be holding you back on your travels - like opting to take a taxi instead of walking or worrying about repacking and losing items. Less baggage means only needing to take carry-on which saves not only money but time with no checked bag fees or waiting at the dreaded luggage carousel. The 10-£10 is designed to help you choose what is actually important to bring and what isn't.

The hack's premise is that if you can get your hands on the item you "need" upon arrival for less than a tenner and within 10 minutes - don't bother packing it. Cheap and small necessities like a toothbrush or deodorant that are definitely used do not fall under the travel rule. But large "just-in-case" items should be brought on arrival given that the're under £10 and can be bought within 10 minutes.

Some 10-£10 examples could include a book, first-aid kits or weather items like a bulky umbrella, travel expert Sally French says. But it's important to note that the rule is a guideline rather than a rule - and sometimes finding 10 minutes on holiday, if you're with children, can prove to be incredibly difficult. It comes a.