Dear Alfalfa, X users hate your stinking guts . Last week, Brandon “Bug” Hall , who played Alfalfa in the 1994 film “The Little Rascals,” became the scum between social media users’ toes when he casually tweeted a degrading joke about his own daughters. The kerfuffle happened after Hall tweeted about the birth of his newborn son, Mark Athanasius Chad Anthony Hall-Barnett.

“I have an heir!” Hall wrote, alongside photos of his baby boy. Being that Hall has four daughters, it didn’t take long for an X user to ask the “Stupids” actor: “You already have daughters. WTF is wrong with you?!” To which, Hall replied: “I said heir, not dishwasher.

” I said heir, not dishwasher. Some social media users did not find the joke as amusing as he did. You’re disgusting.

You’re publicly demeaning your daughters to try and generate rage bait clicks. It’s the behavior of petulant, emasculated, child, and I pray for all of your children. You deserve divorce papers for that comment alone.

Bro still thinks he's in the movie pic.twitter.

com/L1YUTxpyTS and what is he the heir to? 10 cent little rascal residuals? The star defended his crack to critics by saying his wife, Jill, really enjoyed his sexist quip while she was in the process of delivering their baby. “I made the same joke to my wife while she was in labor. We both had a good laugh.

Hard as it is for you to comprehend, most normal people are still rich in humor and joy. Stay miserable.