Litter cascades down one of the Trinity Gullies just below Yr Wyddfa's summit (Image: Jethro Kiernan/BMC) Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) has been plagued by an escalating litter problem in recent years, partly fueled by a cascade of summer visitors . Despite many climbers not intending to add to the litter, the British Mountaineering Council (BMC), leading the charge in efforts to keep the peak clean, suggests that accidental discards often contribute to the mess. "In our experience, most people will try to pick up what they have dropped," a spokesperson said.

The issue arises, they explain, when items tumble into hard-to-reach places. One particular litter-ridden area can be found on Clogwyn Y Garnedd - its Trinity Gullies just below Yr Wyddfa's summit, a spot that merges hardcore mountaineers with casual strollers enjoying the view. Known as one of Wales ' iconic winter climbs, it's here where summiteers are often met by crowds taking selfies and picnicking.

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