Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Share to Linkedin By now, the resurrection of Lisbon is a well told tale; how out of economic malaise a city reinvented itself into one that the world is flocking to in droves these days. And all those visitors at one point or other make their way to the compact and thriving Bairro Alto district. Much of that draw can be credited to the Bairro Alto Hotel that anchors the Praça Luís de Camões, a square between the Bairro Alto and Chiado districts that with its gorgeous maritime-themed floor mosaics is as fine as any in this square-happy Portuguese capital.

The hotel also happens to lie along the mega-popular tram line No. 28 which has rightfully become a de rigueur journey on any Lisbon tour. Bairro Alto Hotel on the Praça Luís de Camões.

Credit: Bairro Alto Hotel And if the city has come back to life, so too this Leading Hotels of the World property that made the bold and audacious choice to up and reinvent itself. A complete makeover that started in late 2017 wrapped up—oops on the timing—in late 2019. But, most of the long-time staff have made it back by now and the hotel is once again the chic and trendy staple of the urban scene as it approaches its twenty-year anniversary.

Today, four interconnected 18th-century buildings make up the hotel, a structural quirk that happily allows for one-off rooms throughout. So handsome are the Pombal-era buildings now that it’s hard to believe that the additional ones had ever been in.