Lisa Riley has shared one poignant request with fans after losing a staggering 12 stone. The Emmerdale actress, 48, who plays the loveable Mandy Dingle on the ITV soap, has overhauled her appearance in the past couple of years and has inspired hundreds of fans to do the same. The star dropped from a size 28 to a size 12 in just 18 months, but was left with loose skin, and ended up having to undergo four surgeries to get rid of it.

The soap star was surprised by the side effects of losing so much weight so quickly. Despite being thrilled with her weight loss, Lisa found herself struggling with over 1.5 stone of loose skin.

However, she's now feeling more comfortable in her skin than ever. Speaking to Woman Magazine, Lisa has opened up about her weight loss, and has said that giving up booze has been instrumental in not only her weight loss, but also her wellbeing, and recommends it to anyone who is aiming to overhaul their lifestyles. Lisa stopped drinking almost a decade ago.

"The joy is saying no is fantastic. We had a function at work recently - I had three sparkling waters and then got a cab home. Back in the day, I'd have been the one eating Paracetamol for breakfast and feeling like s**t the next day in work.

" Of her epic 12 stone weight loss, Lisa shared: "I'm more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever been in my life. I'm as honest as they come. I'll put a picture on Instagram of me waxing my tache, because that's real.

I've had people take selfies of me with fil.