LINDA Nolan has shared a heartbreaking update in her cancer battle. The Nolans singer, 65, has revealed two of her tumours have grown and further cancer spots have been found. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005.

She told The Mirror: “I sobbed when my consultant first told me. I know so many people are suffering and going through things, but I thought, just for once, could cancer just leave me alone? My heart sank.” The star continued: “I had feared something was wrong.

"My balance has been getting worse and my memory - my sisters have to prompt me when I get lost in the middle of a sentence. READ MORE ON LINDA NOLAN "Maureen came with me to the appointment and my Macmillan Cancer support nurse was in the room, and I could just tell. "I asked my consultant straight away: ‘Has it spread?’ "When he told me, I immediately asked: ‘What do we do now?’" It has been a series of tough moments for Linda, who was given a devastating update on her illness as she revealed her cancer had spread to her brain last year.

Most read in Showbiz Since those were discovered she has been undergoing immunotherapy every three weeks. She is due to start a new treatment tomorrow that has offered her some hope to slow down the cruel disease. It will include Enhertu, a life-extending drug that was denied to thousands of women on the NHS because it was deemed to costly.

Last year Linda said she vowed not to 'live in fear' but didn't know if she would see another Christmas. He.