Linda Nolan has shared a devastating update on her cancer diagnosis . The Nolans Sister singer, 64, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006, followed by a secondary cancer on her pelvis in 2017. Last year in March, she revealed the disease had spread to her brain , and shared her fears that she wouldn’t make it to Christmas .

Linda has now said that two of her tumours have grown at the front and left side of her brain, and further smaller cancer spots have been found after treatment stopped working, indicating her treatment is not effective anymore. ‘I sobbed when my consultant first told me. I know so many people are suffering and going through things, but I thought, just for once, could cancer just leave me alone? My heart sank,’ she told The Mirror .

”I had feared something was wrong. ‘My balance has been getting worse and my memory – my sisters have to prompt me when I get lost in the middle of a sentence.’ She recalled the appointment where she asked her consultant if the cancer had spread, saying she immediately asked: ‘What do we do now?’ Since the diagnosis in March last year, Linda has been undergoing immunotherapy every three weeks, and will now begin a new chemotherapy treatment with the hope it could control her cancer’s progression.

She is however fearing the potential side effects it may cause, including worrying about losing her hair again. ‘That will be five times I’ve lost my hair!’ Linda told her consultant, the publication notes. .