What an incredible month it has been! CIViC Heritage Pioneer Day surpassed our expectations. There was a multitude of hands-on activities and demonstrations for teeny tinies to senior citizens: stirring ice cream paddles, grinding corn, tin can lantern making, washboard scrubbing, boring holes with giant hand drills, and planing wood competed with spinning demonstrations and our fiddler band. In a surprise twist, not only could we sing along with the fiddlers, but many got to play the spoons! What a great afternoon at the brick schoolhouse.

We will absolutely plan on this again next summer. Our year-long planning for Conquest Community Day was realized. The day was very hot and humid but many shopped, ate and played together as we celebrated our distinctive small town! Fantastic fireworks capped our festivities.

Give a call if you would like to be part of next year’s celebration — it can only get better with your input and enthusiasm. A New York State Police representative attends the Conquest Community Day. The next day, our Amazing Grace Parish gathered for our outdoor service and picnic, this year catered by Mooney’s BBQ.

Again, fantastic fellowship and food! The first annual Joni and Dewey Lincoln Day was on Aug. 5. A dozen or so folks gathered to pack hygiene kits for disaster victims.

We had been gathering supplies at the town offices and church for the past few weeks and folks dropped off even more. Kate Pelky’s donation of 50 bars of custom-made soap set a hig.