The Conquest Senior Picnic was held on Grandparents' Day, Sept. 8. About 80 seniors and their families shared food and fellowship.

Our town board furnished the chicken halves, which were cooked to perfection by our Conquest Fire Department. The tables were loaded with casseroles, vegetable dishes, baked beans, pasta, salads and desserts. We have some incredibly good cooks! Organizer and moderator Peg Gilmore welcomed us all.

Amazing Grace pastor Deborah Hitchcock offered grace and soon, plates were filled to overflowing as conversations filled our pavilion. It was so much fun to see neighbors greeting neighbors — it has been a busy summer and folks sometimes only have time to wave across the hedgerows! Catching up on children, grandchildren, weddings and sicknesses kept us busy. As historian I shared an anecdote about our weather relationship to Channel 9.

A few months ago I mentioned that some folks only knew about Conquest as an occasional blip on the weather map. Marg O’Connell took it a step further and wrote to Jim Teske to find out why we did not appear more often. His research discovered that mostly major population centers are highlighted, but sometimes the computer somewhat randomly will pick a smaller town if we were in the path of a weather front or storm.

As we are to the north of the Thruway, close to Wayne County weather patterns, it often is our destiny to be selected! Hurray! Both Marg and I were impressed with his follow-through and invited him to our Sen.