Lily-Rose Depp stole the spotlight at the premiere of Nosferatu on Thursday, December 12, at the TCL Chinese Theatre. The 25-year-old actress looked ethereal in a shimmering silver satin gown with an embroidered overlay, perfectly complementing the gothic tone of Robert Eggers’ highly anticipated horror remake. Depp, who stars as Ellen Hutter in the reimagining of the 1922 silent classic, completed her look with sultry nude smoky eye makeup, a matte nude lip, and peachy cheeks.

Her blonde hair cascaded down her back, accented by two delicate braids framing her face. Minimalist accessories, including diamond drop earrings and a single ring, added to her understated elegance. On the red carpet, Depp posed with her co-stars Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Bill Skarsgård, Willem Dafoe, Emma Corrin, Nicholas Hoult, and director Robert Eggers, 41.

While each cast member embraced unique fashion choices, Depp’s timeless look stood out. Dafoe, 69, added a subtle splash of contrast to his ensemble with a gray shirt beneath a black suit. Meanwhile, Corrin, 29, made a bold statement in a sheer strapless dress paired with a lace headpiece and dramatic red lipstick.

The film, set in the 1800s, follows real estate salesman Thomas Hutter (played by Hoult) as he searches for a new home for Count Orlok (Skarsgård), a vampire who becomes dangerously infatuated with Hutter’s wife, Ellen. The story is a reimagining of the iconic Nosferatu (1922), widely regarded as one of the first horror films a.