Lily Allen has voiced her distress after being targeted by harsh online trolls. The singer of Smile was subjected to criticism, with some individuals allegedly even "sending death threats", following reports that she returned an adopted puppy. Lily said she adopted the puppy - named Mary - during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lily Allen says kids should get taught about childbirth in nursery school Lily Allen returned rescue dog after it chewed passport and 'ruined' her life However, the dog consumed the family's passports, an incident that Lily referred to as "the straw that broke the camel's back." On her Miss Me? podcast, the 39-year-old singer detailed the incident: "[The dog] ate all three of our passports and they had our visas in and I cannot tell you how much money it cost me to get everything replaced because it was in Covid. And so it was just an logistical nightmare.

"And because the father of my children lives in England, I couldn't get them back to see their dad for like four months, five months, because this f------g dog had eaten their passports. I just couldn't look at her. I was like, 'You've ruined my life'.

"It just didn't work out and the passports was the straw that broke the camel's back so to speak." Consequently, Lily spoke up on Instagram claiming to have received "abhorrent messages" including "death threats". She stated that the past few days have been "really tough".


Lily Allen left shaken as she's accused of seducing 'very famous' A-lister .