Lily Allen has said she felt "invisible" after she was sexually assaulted and has criticised the music industry for protecting her alleged attacker. The "Smile" singer claims she was targeted by a colleague while working abroad, but said she felt "unsafe" as after the shocking incident, the unnamed perpetrator was allowed to go about his business. The 39-year-old mum said the attacker still works in the music industry.

After being asked on the Miss Me? podcast whether she was protected by people around her in her music career, Lily waived her right to anonymity and replied: "No. I was sexually assaulted by someone that I worked with. The incident happened abroad.

By the time that I wanted to deal with it, I'd left that country. "But I wanted people that were sort of mutuals who knew him and knew me and worked with both of us to know that this thing had happened. I made it known in some ways and nobody put anything in place to protect me or what had happened to me.

"In fact it felt like quite the opposite was done in that things were put in place to protect him. And that made me feel very unsafe. I felt pretty invisible to be honest, it was, it was really horrible.

" Lily previously explained that the attack took place on a work trip to the Caribbean in 2016. Speaking on BBC's The Next Episode podcast, she claimed that the attacker told her: "Well, why don't you sleep in my bed while I go and get the keys or whatever." She continued: "So I passed out in his bed.

The next thing .