Do people need to get off their asses and start working? Premier Doug Ford certainly thinks so and he’s absolutely right. Ford has been asked two days in a row about the idea that some people living in tent cities, homeless encampments, aren’t doing their best to look after themselves. “Do you know what the best way to get people to be able to get out of the encampments, get out the homeless? Get an application and drop it off at one of these companies and start working,” Ford said Monday.

“You need to start working if you’re healthy. Bottom line. If you’re unhealthy, I’ll take care of you the rest of my life, your life, we’ll take care of you.

But if you’re healthy, get off your A-S-S and start working like everyone else is. Very simple.” Sounds like a pretty common sense approach but of course, those comments had some clutching their pearls.

How dare Ford say such things? Doesn’t he know people are struggling? Of course, Ford knows people are struggling; this is a premier who is more in touch with the average citizen than any politician I’ve ever encountered. He takes their phone calls, he stops to talk to people while he is out, he understands what average people are dealing with on a level most politicians could only dream of. Asked about his comments again on Tuesday, Ford didn’t back away and instead doubled down.

“If there’s anyone out there, maybe have mental health issues, addictions, have a disability, I’m always going to take care .