For this month’s issue, photographer Artu Nepomuceno puts into practice the light lessons his grandfather taught him, using the objects passed down to him. In the process, he discovers a memory his family thought they had lost. Philippine cinema pioneer Luis Nepomuceno believed that “in order to be able to tell a story with a thousand images, you have to be able to tell a story with a single image.

” The famed film producer was known for his love for the craft of storytelling and the process that comes with it. Throughout his life, he passed down his filmmaking knowledge to his children and grandchildren. Photographer Artu Nepomuceno puts into practice the light studies his grandfather taught him, along with lessons he’s learned on the field within the Light Notes series he shares on Instagram.

For this month’s cinema issue, Artu photographs his grandfather’s belongings in a series close to his heart. Through the images below, he gives a glimpse into his childhood growing up under his grandfather’s wing. ARTU NEPOMUCENO: My grandfather taught me how to study light and my love for him made me obsessed with it.

Even in his passing, the first thing I do when I enter any space is observe the consequences of light; sometimes I hear the studies in his voice—as if we were back in his study, where everything I learned started. I am grateful for a teacher like him. Wowo wanted me to focus and learn the art of storytelling, but he knew that I need to master the basic too.