SCIENTISTS have developed a new life-saving sepsis test that produces results in record time with an "100 per cent match rate". It can take days for current tests to identify the pathogens causing a life-threatening sepsis reaction. A test developed by Korean researchers could identify the species causing the infection in a matter of hours, with the potential to give patients targeted treatments faster.

Sepsis is a life-threatening reaction to an infection. It occurs when the body's immune system - which normally helps to protect us and fight off infections - overreacts to an infection and injures tissues and organs. It can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and sometimes death, especially if not recognised early and treated promptly, according to The UK Sepsis Trust .

Some people can develop sepsis is response to common ailments like chest or urinary tract infections (UTIs) - it's not known exactly why. It primarily affects very young children and older adults, but can be triggered in anyone. There is no single sign or diagnostic test to spot sepsis, which is usually treated with antibiotics.

According to researchers Seoul National University, treatment can be tailored to patients using what's known as antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Most read in Health This uses cultures from bacteria or fungi specimens taken from patients to determine which antibiotics would be most effective and if bacteria have growth resistant to them. However, this process of taking a blood cu.