The dream space for Plenty is going to become a reality in the coming months, with a leap of faith and hope for building book culture in our community. Lisa Uhrik remembers it as MacAdoo’s and going in for Girl Scout uniforms and special dresses. It was a shop where two of her great aunts worked, side-by-side for over three decades, offering strong opinions and confident guidance on the best looks for customers they knew as extended family.

That retail space on Broad Street on Cookeville's West Side still has the same doors, (possibly the oldest original working retail doors in Cookeville). Lisa notes that we must have gotten taller in our culture since those doors were put in, as they seem a little short for those over six feet tall. When Lewis Matheney and Gary Lee decided to exit this space and their quest with Harper’s Rare Books & Collectables, Plenty co-founders Lisa and Dave Uhrik and Ashley Michael were excited to jump on the opportunity to more than double the space for Plenty Downtown Bookshop by moving across the street.

"While we need support to be sustainable in the current space, we've craved more space for a dedicated children's area, for people to linger over a light snack, and to create an experience that really lets you relax and meander,” Lisa said. “Deep hanging out and browsing is a chief offering and mission for our Bookshop — giving people time and space to really connect with a book that is going to help them, entertain or lighten their day i.