: is a comedy series about two bratty siblings, Dev and Kalki, who are tasked with transforming a dilapidated mansion in a hill station into a functioning resort. The series explores how they manage this challenge and its impact on the local villagers. Directed by Prem Mistry (Campus Diaries), features a decent ensemble cast, including Divyenndu Sharma, Kusha Kapila, Vinay Pathak, Kabir Bedi, Annapurna Soni, Mukti Mohan, Atul Shrivastav, and Hemant Pandey, among others.

Although the theme is intriguing and the actors perform well, the show often falls flat in the humour department. Sadly, your 'Life' doesn't get shaken as promised by the title. .

Dev (Divyenndu) and Kalki (Kusha Kapila) arrive in the hilly region of Panchmoli at a rundown resort, accompanied by their father (Vinay Pathak). Through video calls, their grandfather (Kabir Bedi) promises the quarrelling siblings that they need to revitalise this resort and turn it into a profitable business within six months. The sibling who performs better will inherit the grandfather's multi-million business.

: Despite their lack of interest, Dev and Kalki must focus their efforts on the resort for six months. The task proves challenging as they face bizarre obstacles, such as a serial killer who becomes their first guest and a 'ghost' who keeps eating their sandwiches. Additionally, their locally recruited hotel staff constantly find ways to shirk work.

It's hard not to draw parallels between and the acclaimed comedy series and.