Make a DIY spray Certain scents repel spiders and among these is peppermint. Fill a spray bottle with water and add between 15 and 20 drops of peppermint oil. A potentially less appealing scent to humans that would also work is vinegar, so this could be a useful option in a pinch.

Make a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water and add to a spray bottle. Spritz either mixture around the house to deter spiders, paying particular attention to any entryway they could be using to get inside as well as any cracks and crevices. Light a candle Again, this is based on spiders’ distaste for certain scents.

Cinnamon is another fragrance they avoid so lighting a cinnamon candle will keep spiders at bay while adding a warm, wintery scent to your home. Citrus scents are also effective — you can rub orange or lemon peels along skirting boards, window sills and bookshelves or burn citronella candles inside and outside of your home. Deep clean and declutter Spiders love having somewhere to hide within your home, so the fewer nooks and crannies there are, the less likely they’ll be found in your home.

Prevent mess from building up and make use of sealable plastic containers for storage, as spiders cannot get easily inside. Regular vacuuming will prevent webs from building up. Keep an eye on your fruit bowl too.

Gone-off food can attract fruit flies which in turn will attract spiders. As flies are also often found near outside bins, make sure these are stored far from windows and doors t.