The family of Tonia McDonald has expressed relief that her 69-year-old husband, who orchestrated her brutal murder, will spend the rest of his life in prison. They believe the punishment is fitting. "He will not be coming out; that alone gives us closure," said Tonia's sister, Nicole Hamilton Linton, when asked if she was satisfied with the sentence of almost 30 years before eligibility for parole.

Portland businessman Everton 'Beachy Stout' McDonald, who turns 70 on October 29, was sentenced to life in prison for his wife's murder. He must serve 28 years and 11 months before being eligible for parole. Additionally, he was sentenced to four years and six months for conspiracy, but the sentences will run concurrently.

Oscar Barnes, a 33-year-old St Mary farmer and fisherman, who was subcontracted to carry out the murder, received a similar life sentence with a 28-year pre-parole period, alongside a six-year sentence for conspiracy. Throughout the nearly six-month trial, McDonald appeared indifferent while Barnes often wore a smirk. Both stood before Justice Chester Stamp in the Home Circuit Court for sentencing.

Reacting to the outcome, an emotional Hamilton Linton, leaning on her husband Haleem Linton, expressed gratitude for how justice was served. "It brings some closure but my sister is still gone. She'll never be with us again," she said.

"I'm relieved that the justice system has taken these men off the streets, making it safer for law-abiding citizens." Hamilton Linton a.