Fitness apps are becoming increasingly popular in South Africa. (Luis Alvarez/Getty Images) Fitness apps are pretty popular around the world and are quickly gaining popularity in South Africa. A recent KLA YourView survey revealed the top four apps most South Africans are turning to keep up with their health goals.

The survey also unpacked some of the reasons people use them. For more lifestyle news, go to the News24 Life front page . Fitness apps are changing the game and getting more popular every year.

Countries like the United States, China, and India are leading the way, with many turning to these apps to keep fit. In South Africa, fitness apps are also on the rise. Whether it's for losing weight, staying fit, or watching what they eat, people are tracking their wellness journey.

KLA recently conducted a YourView survey with 898 participants who were all asked what motivates them to use fitness apps in their wellness journeys. The researchers did not enforce any specific demographic quotas and allowed the sample to naturally represent the population's diversity. Here are the top fitness apps South Africans love according to KLA who used data from a SimilarWeb top apps ranking: MyFitnessPal: Most users rave about MyFitnessPal for its awesome calorie-counting skills.

It also tracks your workouts, making it a perfect combo for keeping an eye on both your diet and exercise. Strava: According to KLA, cyclists adore Strava. It offers detailed performance analytics and social n.