Hello Weekend , 10 August 2024. The latest edition of News24's weekly digital weekend magazine is stuffed full of interviews, reviews, excerpts, and in-depth stories. Enjoy the read.

Life lessons after 50: Lynn Forbes shares her newfound perspective on life By Phumi Ramalepe Ageing is often perceived as a phase to dread, but for many, it's a period of profound wisdom and a deeper appreciation for the simple joys in life. This stage, especially after enduring loss, could transform into a time of deep reflection and gratitude, as it has for Lynn Forbes , mother of slain world-renowned rapper Kiernan Forbes , known by millions as AKA. She has stepped into her 50s with a renewed sense of purpose, strength, and grace.

Chef Wandile Mabaso's vision: Johannesburg is primed for a culinary renaissance even though it has its challenges By Kaunda Selisho In a city often portrayed through a lens of decay and dysfunction, there are those who still see a world of potential waiting to be unlocked in Johannesburg. Chef Wandile Mabaso, one of South Africa's most innovative culinary minds, is one such optimist. Amidst a narrative dominated by stories of Johannesburg's political and governance woes, Mabaso stands as a beacon of hope, envisioning a future where the city is celebrated not for its challenges, but for its triumphs.

WINE 101 | In vino veritas: What's SA's fascination with Northern Italian wines? By Daléne Fourie What's South Africa's fascination with Northern Italian wines? Specifi.