Kindness quietly floats around with no-one noticing. It’s high-time we gave it the attention it deserves. (SouthWorks/Getty Images) Amid the chaos and suffering that seem to dominate our world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and helpless, but Tracy Cohen's article sheds light on the profound impact of kindness, showcasing heartwarming stories of how small acts of generosity and care have brought joy and comfort to people in need.

The state of the world is brutal. There are ongoing wars, protests and people are generally struggling at every turn. What's worse is that so much suffering is out of our control, leaving us feeling helpless and hopeless.

But, before you get even more depressed, there is a silver lining. Kindness quietly floats around with no one noticing. It's high time we gave it the attention it deserves, so read on to discover the magic of a single act of kindness in the following people’s lives.

Tyler Pike, 28, who lives in Cape Town, is a South African parasurfer. Last year, he was given the opportunity to participate in the World Championships in Los Angeles, California. He had to raise funds for his airfare, accommodation and spending money.

It was tough, but he recalls a friend making a donation to assist him in his fundraising efforts. "She donated a large sum of money, which really made a difference. It was the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me," he says.

Tyler travelled to California and participated in the competition, and although he was knoc.