Greetings and great news from the Great Bend Public Library! We have a ton of new books that just came in, hot off the presses for our valued patrons. For today’s article I thought we could live on the edge and commit a faux pas: judging a book by its cover. Plus, who is this vague entity called “they” telling me what we can and can’t judge? “They” could be members of the secret book censorship society, for all we know.

I, for one, am not taking advice from any secret societies, so let’s judge some books! As these items are brand new, I haven’t had a chance to read them, so I’ll be making these recommendations based solely on each book’s cover and included summary. The first book immediately caught my eye with its title and beautiful cover: “A Daughter of Fair Verona” by Christina Dodd is a bit of a what-if tale turned into a mystery. Have you ever thought about what literature’s most famous star-crossed lovers might be up to if they had made it out of their tragic tale alive? According to Dodd, they would be living in Verona with seven children, one of which is our protagonist, Rosie Montague.

She finds herself wrapped up in a mystery when a dead duke shows up and everyone associated with him starts dropping like flies. The worst part is our fair Rosie was his betrothed, so if she doesn’t find the killer soon, she might be the next victim! As the bodies pile up and with half of Verona a suspect, things start to get dicey for our witty and irrevere.