Monrovia—Senator Nathaniel F. McGill of Margibi County has raised serious accusations against Liberia’s Minister of Commerce, Amin Modad, alleging illegal wealth acquisition during Modad’s brief tenure in office. Senator McGill, a former Minister of State under ex-president George Weah, claims that Modad abused his position for personal gain and is calling for a formal investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC).

In a statement, Senator McGill disclosed that he will on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, present a communication to the Senate Plenary, urging immediate action. “On Tuesday, September 24, 2024, we will submit a formal communication to the Senate Plenary, urging the LACC to launch an immediate investigation into allegations of fraud, abuse of power, and corruption involving the Minister of Commerce,” Senator McGill declared. He accused Modad of failing to settle a $400,000 debt while serving as a board member of the former First International Bank (now SIB), which McGill claims contributed to the bank’s bankruptcy.

Furthermore, he raised questions about Modad’s acquisition of a luxury yacht, which McGill compared in cost to the yacht once owned by former President William Tubman. The Margibi County Senator also noted that the Liberia Revenue Authority’s (LRA) illegally purchased a vehicle for Modad, arguing that the LRA, as a revenue collection agency, has no mandate to buy vehicles for government officials. In response, Minister Modad .