LG Display Co., the , is seeking to supply a next-generation tandem OLED display for vehicles to British luxury automaker Bentley Motors Ltd. and 11 other global carmakers.

The South Korean display maker is jointly developing the third-generation automotive tandem OLED with the partners, people familiar with the matter said on Wednesday. The vehicle partners include Cadillac, the luxury brand of General Motors Co. (GM), and Genesis, the premium brand unit of Hyundai Motor Co.

, sources said. No concrete supply deals are in the works yet, they said. A tandem OLED, also known as a stacked OLED, is a type of screen technology that makes displays brighter and last longer.

Traditionally, OLED screens have only one layer that emits light. In a tandem OLED, multiple light-emitting layers are stacked on top of each other. LG said last month it has begun , the first of its kind in the display industry.

The company developed the industry’s first tandem OLED display in 2019 – one mainly used as automotive screens. According to market research firm Omdia, global annual tandem OLED display shipments are forecast to jump to 71.8 million units by 2031 from an estimated 8.

1 million in 2024. The tandem OLED display market is expected to grow to $9.9 billion from $2.

5 billion over the same period. LG Display is also developing a vehicle exterior display with a maximum brightness of 5,000 nits – the industry’s highest – for a launch sometime next year. One nit is the brightness produce.