GBCL’s pay and plant initiative to mitigate climate change Yangyel Lhaden A few months ago, founder of Amulet Luxury Travel Bhutan, Tshering Tashi, read an article about a “Pay and Plant” initiative of Green Bhutan Corporation Limited (GBCL) in Bhutan Airline’s in-flight magazine. He was intrigued and interested by the initiative which allows tourists to pay and plant a tree sapling while in the country. “The article said a full-grown tree could provide oxygen to four people,” Tshering Tashi said.

“ This meant if an individual planted a sapling it could provide oxygen to three other people.” GBCL started the initiative last year as an innovative ecotourism programme that involves tourists in tree planting to promote climate change mitigation and environmental conservation. By merging tourism with ecological responsibility, the initiative aims to boost Bhutan’s reputation as a leader in sustainability and explore private financing for afforestation initiatives.

Since the programme’s inception over 100 tourists have paid and planted trees. The tourist pays a certain amount of money per sapling and they are provided with geo-coordinates to monitor their sapling online from anywhere. The areas of plantation fall under purview of GBCL ensuring the saplings are taken care of to grow into a full-grown tree.

Tshering Tashi said that it was a perfect opportunity to engage tourists with more activities such as tree plantation programmes which had an overarching impa.