All levels of government need to go on a tax diet — city, county and state. Our property taxes have doubled in the last five years. Sound familiar? Auto and homeowner premiums have also doubled.

But now that Amendment 50 and Proposition 108 are eligible for November’s ballot there is a rush in Denver to draft yet another “compromise” tax relief bill. How amazing that is. Our politicians in Denver are afraid of losing their endless influx of tax dollars.

We hear the fearmongering that if these ballot measures pass they won’t be able to deliver adequate services to the public. Do not fall for this ploy. Even some Republicans and county commissioners in Teller County are playing up this fear.

When I lived in California in the late 1970s, the property taxes skyrocketed. Proposition 13 was voted on to rein in these increases. Opponents of this proposition ran ads on all TV stations showing burning homes and homes being broken into claiming, no one would be there to help them! 13 passed by a landslide.

Government has plenty of our money to run effectively. There is a lot of waste in government, I saw it firsthand for over two decades. I think 50 and 108 need to stay on the ballot and be voted on by us.

Time to go on a tax diet, politicians. B. Huffor Sr.

Woodland Park This letter is to bring light to the unjustified and senseless firing of Dr. Barbara Divish from Peak Vista. Divish has been our almost 8-year-old twins’ pediatrician since birth, one of our twins has comp.