With the soaring of temperatures and the scorching heat, the people of Assam are not only experiencing unprecedented Autumn for the last couple of days, but also they are looking for ways to cool themselves. Those who can manage to beat the heat either sitting in an air conditioned room or devouring a scoop of ice-cream.

Others live through it harrowingly and at times end up with severe dehydration. No matter wherever are we. The question is how serious are we in changing our plight? The most timely editorial 'Roof cooling solutions to beat the heat' published in your esteemed daily on September has rightly said that time has come to consider both long-term and short-term strategies to cope with the drastic changes in weather patterns.

Instead of depending too much on air conditioners, one should drive focus on the National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM) which provides building design cost at a minimum for space cooling. One can make suitable modifications of concrete buildings which according to NIDM, contribute to significant 70 percent of the heat when temperature rises. Therefore, roof cooling solutions which include roof made of bamboo, thatch or palm leaves or spraying water on the roof can immensely help to bring down the roof temperature.

The Assam-type houses which RCC buildings have replaced in the state due to increase in demand for accommodation is a more viable option today. The editorial is absolutely correct to say that the 'PM'.