Where Is Jesus? He is not standing at his usual spot along Teller 11, where this unusual and beautiful icon has been keeping watch over Southern Teller County for decades! Jesus, his arms open wide inviting us and his striking, flowing robes...

is missing! Was he stolen? Ten or fifteen years ago Jesus was missing...

turns out he was stolen! But the thieves returned him to his rightful spot, where he has remained on vigil, and admired, ever since. Has he been stolen again? If so, please bring him back to his spot on Teller 11! Or, could it be worse than that? Since the acreage Jesus stood on was on the market for sale, did new owners remove him? Why? If they don’t want him (perish the thought), why not offer him to the community? There are other properties along Teller 11 who would honor Jesus and give him a new, good home. Please, bring Jesus back! Teller 11 is not the same without him! In a broader sense.

..where is Jesus? Is He in your heart, or has He been stolen by competing desires and interests? Or, have you just kicked Him out altogether? Just look at current society to see what happens when Jesus is stolen or removed.

And I ask again...

where is Jesus? Please bring Him back! The world is not the same without Him! Bernetta Miller , Florissant • • • All are welcome In regards to Jeff Wakeley, the teacher/leader of the Methodist Church. He commented, is everybody welcomed at Church? The answer is YES, everyone is welcomed at Church!!! Read these scriptures, and chapt.