Colonial War Memorial Hospital grant While one wholeheartedly appreciates and welcomes the $14.7million grant from the Government of Australia to improve the standard of our CWM Hospital, one hopes that with due respect, critical questions are also included in the planning process. For example, how can access to the hospital be improved especially with traffic jams in the early hours of the morning and afternoon? What if life saving treatment for patients is only available at the hospital but traffic jams prevent quick access? The intersection between Princes Rd and Waimanu Rd and Brown St, with Waimanu Rd is well known for long queues during peak traffic hours.

Should we have a back up plan like additional or emergency routes? This could be useful when there is more than one patient requiring immediate and urgent life saving treatment at the CWMH. As the hospital sits on high ground and not too far away from the edge of a cliff overlooking the Suva Harbour, one hopes that foundations of this hospital are on stable footing. Lastly, one hopes there is a communications plan around this to ensure key stakeholders including the public are informed and updated of progress.

All in all, the CWMH is an important part of our heritage both historically and from a national health perspective. Floyd Robinson Micronesia Constitutional change I am extremely grateful to read Jon Fraenkel’s article on our constitution (FT 13/8). It is very good to see him again involved in Fiji’s constit.