No more coup Let the reassuring message of the RFMF Commander Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai (FT 7/9) convince every Fijian that there will be no more coup in Fiji. Unity is strength. Tahir Ali Hamilton, New Zealand Kalouniwai speaks out! I salute the brave and bold RFMF Commander Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai for his in-depth interview with The Fiji Times.

I admire the commander’s thoughts as he shared the experiences of RFMF post-2022 General Election, where he respected the outcome of the citizens of Fiji. Indeed sir, when RFMF was put to the test in 2022, it came out victorious by respecting the rule and decision of the land. I also agree with Ro Kalouniwai that 2022 sparked the turning point for reconciliation efforts.

I salute his visionary leadership and commitment. I am making a plea to the commander to stand by his promise that a coup will never happen. Fiji has paid a huge price for the past military and civilian coups.

On the other hand, I’m worried that RFMF is still not 100 per cent united. This is an area the commander and his staff must address. Like me, other Fijians are looking up to Ro Kalouniwai’s leadership and decision making.

Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam Nadawa, Nasinu For the sake of the nation You are too right in your editorial comment that we need “thoughtful leadership” to steer the nation in the right direction (‘For the sake of the nation!’ FT 7/9). The military commander has displayed that leadership by keeping the military out of pol.