FNPF angle The person chosen by FNPF to reduce our pensions based on actuarial assessment seems wary in responding to Messrs Narsey and Mar. I will let them deal with his arguments. But in this letter I try to read between the lines.

He spent a lot of time trying to convince us about how he is such an expert, did so many courses/seminars, rubbed shoulders with so many experts and member of so many organisations, etc. To me it sounded as if he is desperately trying to convince us that he is the expert in using the actuarial mathematical formula with scant concern for unlawfully affecting the pensioners. Norman Yee, Martintar, Nadi Minimum wage It has been a month since the 50 cents an hour increase in minimum wage rate came about.

It appears this increase has gone halfway in fixing the cost-of-living issues! People are very happy that they got 50 cents while their leaders got a massive pay rise on the same day, in full. There have been no complaints. I believe that in a now free Fiji, this wage increase has resulted in stopping Fijians marching on the streets as this government is doing such a great job.

The people of Fiji are truly blessed. Jan Nissar, Sydney, Australia Scam alert In this technological age, scamming has become a major part of evolution. Though it’s sad to see that many have fallen prey to these scammers, victims still do not learn.

When will we be reminded that whenever it comes to online romance, we need to be vigilant and use our brains more than our emot.