YOU have published several letters recently with completely differing views on GERS. The undeniable fact is that when oil was flowing fast the proceeds were not going to Scotland but now that it is not flowing so fast we are being classed as a nation on benefits from England. Scotland helped to elect a new Labour Government which was bent on change.

Where is this change? Labour has chosen to help Ukraine by providing tanks rather than keep the winter fuel allowance for pensioners. It continues to back Israel's horrible acts against the Palestinians whilst baying how well it is punishing protesters against an immigration policy which has changed the face of much of Britain. It is going hard against poor lawbreakers while ignoring the acts of the very rich who are putting many in the country into poverty.

The relative poverty of many parts outside the south of England is caused by the people in the south-east who rule the whole country. I wonder if these people who claim that we are better as part of the Union have read any history. From the Highland Clearances through the rent strikes in the First World War through the Depression Scotland has always been treated more harshly than the South of England (I know that some parts of the North of England feel the same).

And yet we continue to support rule from Westminster. This Labour government has shown its true colours and is acting no differently than the Tories. Jim McAdam, Maidens.

• JOHN V Lloyd (Letters, August 15) rightly .