Article content Re: “ ‘It starts with one word’ (and that word isn’t ‘Hi’): Quebec launches video promoting French ” (The Gazette, Sept. 16) With a provincial deficit of $11 billion, it is interesting that the Legault government has been able to find $2.5 million to spend on advertising to promote the greater use of the French language.

Unless the “Bonjour-Hi” greeting is eradicated, it appears the Quebec government may continue to be unable to focus on fixing the myriad problems we face daily. Will such issues as crumbling infrastructure, deteriorating health care and the lack of teachers be solved if the word “Hi” is eliminated from daily Quebec life? How inappropriate the government’s use of our tax monies has become. Allen Rubin, Westmount My wife and I are looking to move to Vancouver Island next year.

After 60-plus years and losing most of our friends to the exodus in the 1970s and ’80s, we are now ready to get out, too. Yes, Montreal with its history and beauty has that European feel — yet the decay of roads and infrastructure is like nowhere else we have travelled. Montreal is no longer the beautiful city it once was, and I do not believe it will get better in our lifetime.

I feel we live in a place that is always being fixed but never gets fixed. I see language being used as a political platform and worry that this will only get worse with time. As someone who grew up in English neighbourhoods, received 45 minutes of French daily out of a .