Submit your letter to the editor via this form . Read more Letters to the Editor . As many of us celebrate the rise of Kamala Harris in her campaign for president, we have learned of her background as a tough district attorney, who also had a concern for the dramatically high percentage of people of color being prosecuted and jailed, compared with whites.

In this light, should we in Alameda County not recognize a parallel with the life story of our own district attorney, Pamela Price? Price was raised in foster homes. She put herself through college, and then law school. She, like Kamala Harris, chose to become a district attorney, one who is tough in her prosecution of offenders but also has compassion and vision for prevention and rehabilitation, especially for people of color.

I would suggest that those of us in Alameda County who will vote for Kamala Harris in November also vote against the recall of Pamela Price. George Fulmore Emeryville Re: “ Agents fire at suspect near Trump ” (Page A1, Sept. 16).

In your Sept. 16 article on the attempted attack on Donald Trump, Kamala Harris was quoted saying, “Violence has no place in America.” Of course not.

We’re focused on the violence we support outside of our borders — Israel’s horrific campaign against the millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. We supply over 69% of the military equipment used. A minimum of 41,000 Gazans have been killed plus thousands more wounded, lives ruined.

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