Re: Olympics-sanctioned boxing brutality tarnishes games — Michael Higgins, Aug. 1 Originally conceived in ancient Greece as a display of outstanding athleticism and fair play, the modern Olympic games have become poisoned by politics, DEI ideology and wokeism. For example, the Berlin games of 1936 were intended, but failed to provide, a showcase for Hitler’s theories of Aryan superiority, with African-American Jesse Owens winning four gold medals.

Fast forward to Paris of 2024, where two boxers who twice failed the International Boxing Association’s gender eligibility tests were nevertheless permitted by the high-minded International Olympic Committee to compete in women’s boxing. The IOC has long been a bloated, money-making machine, whose reputation has been sullied by doping scandals, boycotts and, the most tragic, the 1972 kidnapping and massacre of 11 Israelis in Munich. When will those who pay millions of dollars for a 30-second commercial during televised Olympic events have the moral courage to stand up to this egregious abuse of power and say “enough is enough?” Susan Silverman, Toronto Re: Insulting Christians at Paris opening ceremonies was the entire point — Father Raymond J.

de Souza, Aug. 1 With all due respect to Fr. Raymond de Souza, there is no need to be so prudish — or like we jokingly say in Québec, “Don’t be so Anglo” — about the “Give Peace a Chance” rally that was held at the Olympic Village.

The sacrilege here would be to.