Re: “ ” (Page A6, Aug. 28). Recently, one writer railed that the youngest generation has gone soft.

This has been a perpetual complaint of the elderly: As circa 20 BC, “Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they.” For over 2,000 years, we have never lacked for curmudgeons.

The writer used the Donner Party as a foil as if such a trial was a reasonable common experience. (By what standard is this metric real, anyway?) How about a more reasonable comparison? Say, service in the U.S.

Marine Corps. Oops. In recent years, the Corps has had more “softy” volunteers than their quota.

And how about all those “selfish” Peace Corps volunteers? Sorry. Since 1960, over 240,000 people have served. Applicants always exceed the slots.

Bottom line: If you’re looking for sclerotic values, look beyond the ranks of the youth. Fremont’s mayoral contest features contrast. City Councilmember Raj Salwan emphasizes economic development, public safety, education and fiscal responsibility.

He supports nonprofits, attends community events and collaborates with others to resolve issues. Salwan’s comprehensive experience, vision and strong community engagement make him the best choice to lead Fremont. His proven leadership and dedication to being a mayor for all community members are exactly what we need.

I urge residents to vote for the candidate with the best track record of service and a positive vision for Fremont: Raj Salwan. W.