Big Issue readers have their say on ageism, rebuilding hope after far-right riots and inequalities in justice. Age-old problem As a 73-year-old regular subscriber to Big Issue I was disappointed to read the article by James Rose [Dispatch, Issue 1625, 22-28 July]. Indeed, I take offence to many of the points he makes.

On behalf of all those who are 70+, I’m so sorry we are living so long and becoming such a drain on resources. In response, I would like to point out the following: 1) Many older people are working on into their 70s, continuing to contribute to the economy and the community. I myself carried on working in mental health until two years ago.

2) Those already retired continue to contribute by paying tax on their work pensions. 3) Increasingly grandparents and older relatives are providing free childcare, indirectly contributing to the economy by allowing parents to continue to work. Many over-70s also provide care for dependent relatives who would otherwise require institutional or home care.

I could go on about the many volunteer roles carried out by older people making a major contribution to society, eg food banks. What a great idea to shut us all away in communities. We did all that in the ’70s and I’m not sure many would wish to return to communal living.

In my view, old age should be celebrated, not something to complain about. Kate Helsby, Oxford Get the latest news and insight into how the Big Issue magazine is made by signing up for the Inside Big Is.