As a longtime resident of the East Bay, I’ve witnessed firsthand the fragile beauty of our coastal ecosystems. Expanding couldn’t come at a more critical time. Our marine wildlife is under constant threat from oil spills and plastic pollution, jeopardizing their very existence.

Imagine the heartbreak of seeing oil-coated seabirds struggle for life, or once-teeming reefs reduced to barren wastelands. These are real threats lurking on our doorstep. Expanding marine protected areas isn’t just about safeguarding habitats; it’s about ensuring that future generations can experience the awe of watching dolphins and otters play in the waves as I had the opportunity to do growing up.

I urge you to call on Gov. Newsom to expand marine protected areas; indispensable for ocean protection. Together, we can keep the northern coast a beacon of environmental diversity, not a monstrosity of overpollution and ecological devastation.

Re: “ ” (Page A4, July 9). The question of nominating a strong candidate has been discussed for many days. It is time to end it by replacing Joe Biden as the candidate for the presidency in the 2024 election.

The Biden campaign and the White House have done their best to cover up but everyone can see that the emperor has no clothes. It is quite shocking that Democratic leadership including Sen. Chuck Schumer and the minority leader Rep.

Hakeem Jeffries have been quiet. Former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama owe it to guide the party in this cri.