This letter is to describe this city. I am a longtime resident of this city, since 1964. It isn’t the pleasant and safe city it was.

First of all, developers should have the funds to build their dreams. They should have proof of funds. No money, no buildings.

Second, why don’t we have a master plan and rules that concern building heights, etc? We can still make this a beautiful city but we need rules and this should solve the problems. Keep the Springs beautiful. Patricia Rice Colorado Springs Thanks for the front-page article about Anti-Israel groups that are funded by George Soros with millions of dollars.

The article was most informative and hopefully has been read by all your subscribers. These groups have been invited to the Biden/Harris White House with many visits for sit-down meetings with the White House staff and they have really become an unofficial part of the White House. No wonder this administration, including Harris, is reluctant to fully support Israel.

These groups also financially support the anti-Israel protest groups across our nation. There is a warning to Soros, these groups, the White House and our country. God said to Abram in Genesis 12: 2-3 concerning Israel, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; .

.. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.

..” Vern Swim Colorado Springs If America is worried about its children, TikTok is not the issue application or service that needs to be addressed.
