CONGRATULATIONS to Vicky Allan and Kevin McKenna for their excellent coverage of Flamingo Land's proposed development at Balloch (The Herald, August 17). Unfortunately, Flamingo Land's agents and supporters continue to sow confusion about the development, including Fiona Robertson from Streets-UK, who is quoted on your front page as claiming "Those people who are opposed to the development continue to misrepresent it by calling it Flamingo Land and by perpetuating the theme park description". The facts are that the planning application, which is to be considered next month, is from Flamingo Land Ltd, a company which operates a resort of that name down Yorkshire.

There was no legal entity called "Lomond Banks" until July 4, 2023 when a new company of that name was registered at Companies House with a share capital of £2. Until then Lomond Banks was only the name Flamingo Land had chosen for the proposed development after it withdrew the application. Should planning permission now be granted it is Flamingo Land Ltd which was given the legal agreement with Scottish Enterprise to buy the Riverside Site in Balloch and Flamingo Land Ltd which has agreed with Transport Scotland to pay for some minor road upgrades in the village.

Flamingo Land Ltd's business is described on the Companies House website as "activities of amusement parks and theme parks". In claiming that Flamingo Land's offering to Balloch has been mischaracterised, Ms Robertson fails to explain this or to mention the.