Submit your letter to the editor via this form . Read more Letters to the Editor . An American president’s main duty — some say their only duty — is to protect the nation.

Donald Trump has totally disqualified himself from ever being commander-in-chief. He has displayed open contempt for current service personnel, veterans and their families; reduced veterans’ aid ; debased and ignored intelligence services; has an affinity for enemies ; weakened alliances ; and vowed to use the military to suppress dissent at home and to round up immigrants for deportation. Military personnel swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not trample it.

Put country ahead of partisan politics. William Briggs Morgan Hill Many people agree that Kamala Harris has an uphill battle against Donald Trump. There is less time for her to communicate her agenda.

She promised an opportunity economy where everyone has an opportunity to compete and a chance to succeed. She has reclaimed the freedom mantle away from the GOP. Harris has promised to restore abortion rights and tackle gun violence, pollution and climate change.

Two areas where she may be vulnerable are immigration and inflation. She mentioned that after the bipartisan bill on curtailing border crossings was ready, Trump asked GOP senators to reject it. Already, with the current policy of shutting down asylum acceptance , the border crossings have gone even lower than when Trump was in office.

Since the last presidential electio.