Misleading statements Read this article for free: Already have an account? To continue reading, please subscribe: * Misleading statements Read unlimited articles for free today: Already have an account? Opinion Misleading statements My MPI interim statement states in large blue text, “On Aug. 14, 2024, your next payment is due.” Under the “total due” in much smaller black text, it states, “Failure to pay the amount due by Aug.

14, 2024 will result in late fees, interest and possible suspension” I visited a broker on Aug. 14 to pay for my renewal and was promptly advised that I owed a $100 late fee, as the actual renewal deadline was midnight on Aug. 13.

I objected and called MPI. My broker also called MPI and quickly advised that the late fee was reduced to $7. I paid this reduced late fee but still feel like I was ripped off.

If Aug. 13 was the actual deadline the statement should have read “ On or before Aug. 13.

..” It has me wondering how many other Manitobans have paid late fees for renewing on the date stated on MPI’s poorly worded and misleading statements.

H.H. Pheifer Winnipeg No threat Tammy Macintosh, in her letter to the editor “Unhelpful move,” Aug.

14, continues to spread the unfounded and unhelpful myth that the actions calling for a ceasefire and end to the war in Gaza, like the one held outside of the Israeli Folklorama pavilion, are making people fearful. As someone who has attended these events and many of the weekly events calling for .