Even William the Conqueror’s harrying of the North or Attila the Hun’s devastation could not be deemed so moronic. This project proves we are ill-served by the politico/developer elite who would build a superstore on the village green at Long Newton, a burger joint on the river bank at Neasham, a wine bar on stilts in the centre of Lake Windermere, if the fee was right. I’ve lived in Darlington for 46 years, doing the Barmpton river walk about 25 times per year – just short of a thousand times.

It’s “Cotswoldian”, I’ve observed every kind of wildlife – stood eyeball to eyeball with foxes, kingfishers, owls, rabbits, frogs etc. I’ve got lost in the jungle, delighted in every kind of plant and been chased by frisky cows. The world is good and beautiful.

So is life – despite the best efforts of some human beings to change it. And before someone shouts “Nimbyism!” – this is not my/our backyard. It’s everybody’s.

It’s incumbent on everyone to protect it. Houses – of course! But please find somewhere more appropriate. Michael Baldasera, Darlington.

Plan precedent Alan MacNab, makes excellent points in his letter “Master plan” (D&S Times letters, Sept 13). He writes that: “The Skerningham master plan would be agreed by two Darlington Borough Council officers.” And as such would seem to negate any decision by the full council.

I don’t know if this is current practice or a first, in my view it sets a very dangerous precedent. And one other.