My mother was a big believer in thank-you notes. Expressing gratitude was something that she stressed to myself and all of my siblings our entire lives. So I’ve decided to do as my mother taught me and thank you for your service to our country.

You met my mother on several occasions when she was working at Auburn Nursing Home. You would travel to Auburn in order to spend time with your father-in-law. My mother thought those visits were beautiful and when she’d tell me of them, she always described you the same way.

“That Joe Biden is a good man.” I proudly voted for you in 2020 because you were exactly what the country needed at that moment. The country needed someone to guide us through a pandemic.

The country needed someone that was going to restore dignity and honor to the presidency. The country needed someone to restore our nation’s reputation around the world. The country needed a leader that would stand with our allies and stand up to bullies.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for getting the economy back on track after the pandemic.

Thank you for expanding affordable health care and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Thank you for standing with unions. Thank you for recognizing the danger caused by global warming and taking steps to address that threat.

Thank you for recognizing the danger posed by guns and passing legislation to address that danger. Thank you for eliminating student debt for millions of Americans in spite of the efforts of some to m.