Access to the great outdoors is fundamental to our well-being; yet, for far too long, this access has been inequitable. Communities that have historically been marginalized, segregated or otherwise excluded from public lands and waters have faced significant barriers to enjoying the countless benefits that outdoor recreation offers. In Maryland, we are taking a significant step forward to address these disparities by partnering with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Office of Outdoor Recreation to launch its first Outdoor Equity Grant Fund.

Through this first-of-its-kind public-private partnership, we will be providing much-needed support to programs that are working hard to increase access to outdoor spaces for their communities. The beauty of this partnership is that we will all be working in tandem to empower underrepresented and underserved community groups to build their own authentic connections with nature and outdoor activities. As someone deeply invested in expanding access to outdoor recreation for all, I am thrilled to see this initiative come to life.

It underscores the mission of Together Outdoors to make the outdoors more welcoming and accessible for everyone, especially those who have been left out of the conversation for too long. Spending time outdoors benefits our physical and mental health in profound ways. From reducing stress and anxiety to boosting physical fitness, the positive impacts of nature are well-documented.

Yet not everyone in our.