-We are getting close to finishing up the year that was 1989. This the last PPV for the WWF for the year and we will close with a final Saturday Night’s Main Event. For now, it’s time for some classic Survivor Series action.

Let’s get to it! -Announce Team: Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura -Date: Nov. 25, 1989 -Location: Rosemont Horizon, Rosemont, IL -Attendance: 15294 -PPV Buys: 385000 Survivor Series Elimination Match: The Enforcers (Capt: Big Boss Man, Rick Martel, Bad News Brown, and The Honky Tonk Man) w/ Slick and Jimmy Hart vs. The Dream Team (Capt: Dusty Rhodes, Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake, Tito Santana, and The Red Rooster) -Dusty gets his own entrance and music separate from his team.

I’ll allow it because that song is a BANGER. They all should have just come out to Dusty’s song. Also, the teams having names is fantastic and something we missed in later editions of this PPV.

Tito and Honky Tonk Man get us started as Ventura and Monsoon note HTM is the longest reigning IC Champion of all time. Somewhere 2-year-old GUNTHER heard that and took it personally. HTM gets out quickly and we get Strike Force exploding as Martel gets the tag.

Santana blocks an atomic drop and gets one of his own for two. All eight men get in the ring for a stare down and then we go again between Tito and Martel. Boss Man in and that brings Dusty in as well.

The crowd pops for Dusty as he starts to flip, flop, and fly. Boss Man works over Dusty in the corner, but gets caught w.