Believe it or not, actor Matthew McConaughey and Prince Harry have been spotted wearing veldskoens. In less than 10 years, “vellies” have been transformed from a practical, traditional leather shoe into a global fashion statement. This is thanks to a bold reinvention by two South African entrepreneurs.

The rebirth of the veldskoen In 2016, Nick Dreyer and Ross Zondagh, grappling with personal and professional setbacks, envisioned a way to breathe new life into South Africa’s national identity, writes Al Jazeera . Inspired by the lacklustre uniforms worn by the country’s athletes at the Rio Olympics, the duo set out to create something uniquely South African. Their focus landed on veldskoen—a shoe with roots tracing back 1 500 years to the Khoisan.

The shoes were later reimagined by Dutch settlers. While veldskoen were durable, they lacked appeal. Dreyer and Zondagh’s innovation was deceptively simple: bold, colorful soles and laces to give the shoes a modern twist.

They launched their brand, Veldskoen , with a makeshift website and a single Photoshopped mock-up. Much to their surprise, a Facebook ad led to an influx of orders before they’d even manufactured a single pair. Determined to keep the product authentically South African, the entrepreneurs partnered with local shoemakers in Cape Town and Durban, using homegrown leather, rubber, and adhesives.

Today, the company produces up to 8 000 pairs monthly, employs 36 people directly, and supports hundreds more th.