Legendary actor Dilip Kumar’s lavish sea-facing triplex apartment in Bandra has reportedly been sold for a whopping Rs 172 crore. The Pali Hill Bungalow which was set for demolition in 2023 for a luxury housing project has been reportedly bought by Apco Infratech Private Limited. The documents obtained by Zapkey.

com reveal that the apartment spans the 9th, 10th and 11th floors, covering 9527 sqft, with a valuation of Rs 155 crore, the Indian Express reported. The purchase price of Rs 1.62L sqft is among the highest in the area.

The transaction included a stamp duty of Rs 9.3 crore and a registration fee of Rs 30,000. The project is now being redeveloped and has been named ‘The Legend’.

It will have 4 and 5BHK luxury apartments, as well as a 2,000 sqft museum dedicated to the legendary actor. It is touted as one of the biggest real estate deals in the locality. Worth mentioning, the veteran actor resided in the bungalow till his marriage to Saira Banu, post which they shifted to another property.

They were staying at Saira Nivas Bungalow. Dilip Sahab died in 2021 and is known for movies like Mughal-E-Azam, Devdas, Naya Daur, Madhumati, Ram Aur Shyam, Gunga Jumna, Mashaal and Karma..