Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Get daily celeb exclusives and behind the scenes house tours direct to your inbox We have more newsletters Best remembered as Madonna' s protege and the star of an iconic Levi jean's advert in which he stripped to his boxer shorts in a launderette, model and singer Nick Kamen sadly never returned to the spotlight after his eighties heyday, and died at the age of 59 in 2021. The star, who had a 1986 hit, Each Time You Break My Heart, that was written by Madonna herself, passed away at his home in Notting Hill after a three-year battle with bone cancer. Nick, whose real name was Ivor Neville Kamen, was being looked after by his partner of 15 years, Lucinda Carey, at the time of his death.

His brother Ronald revealed that as Nick's life drew to a close, his breathing became "very shallow" and he knew that his end was near. "He did fight it very hard," he said. In a interview shortly after Nick's death, Lucinda shared that despite his suffering, Nick had a "beautiful" death, reports the Express .

She said: "It was beautiful and incredibly gentle." Lucinda, 46, who is the daughter of the Viscount of Falkland, added that she and her 23 year old daughter were with Nick during his final moments. Sign up to OK!'s daily newsletter to get updates sent to your inbox for free "Nick was an incredible person, and it was really inspiring to be around him during his illness," she added.
